About Our Training & Curriculum
About Our Curriculum:
SARSSM Prevention & Education offers a preK-12th grade curriculum designed specifically for schools and educators to cover Maine DOE’s 2018 Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response Model Policy. This past summer, we have been working closely with The Cutler Institute to ensure our curriculum is evidenced informed, skills based, and sufficiently covers the Maine state learning targets for sexual violence prevention. We trust that educators know their students best and have currently standing curricula that already hit a lot of these targets. Our curriculum is meant to support and strengthen what schools already have, not to replace it. With this, we encourage schools to incorporate our lessons and materials to best fit your classrooms.
About Our Training:
This past summer, we have been working with our statewide coalition MECASA on creating a virtual two hour training on the Maine DOE’s mandate, our curriculum, handling disclosures, and supporting students who have experienced sexual abuse. In an effort to make our training more accessible to educators, we have built this training to be at-your-own-pace through teachable.com. In order to access our curriculum and materials, this training is a requirement for whoever is responsible for covering the mandate at your school.
Accessing Our Curriculum
Once you have completed this online training, you will get an invite to SARSSM's educator toolkit through Google Sites. Please allow 2-3 business days for this invite to come through email.
How to Contact Us:
Any educator can contact Andrew Shepard, Prevention and Education Program Manager at SARSSM via email at [email protected] for all questions and needs related to curriculum, the DOE mandate, and prevention education. We are also more than happy to schedule a zoom meeting with you and/or your colleagues to discuss how SARSSM can best support your school.
For all questions or needs related to mandated reporting or supporting a student who has experienced sexual abuse, please contact our free 24/7 helpline at 1-800-871-7741 to speak to one of our advocates.